
where are you on the Ravelry List?

I decided to check my status as to how llong it will be before I get my invite.
You signed up on June 23, 2007
You are #10759 on the list.
4732 people are ahead of you in line.
7520 people are behind you in line.
32% of the list has been invited so far
I'm sad. It will still be awhile. I wonder how many invites they send out every day?
You can check the status on your place in line here: http://www.ravelry.com/antsy/check


I almost forgot these! They fit amazingly and the colors rock. Perfect for summer in my birkenstocks. YAH! They are also out of Bernat Sox in Jazzy Hot colorway. I love how this verigated colorway knits up. I have another ball of it so I might have to make another pair in a different pattern.

This is to be a pullover sweater for Faedra. It is yello, her favorite color and has Hello Kitty on it, which is her favorite character. Looks good right? See below for...

...the hellish loose ends that will need to be sewn in. I think it is going to be frogged and restarted with 2 balls of each color so that there will be no need for loose ends, stranding etc. I have entered HELL-o kitty.

Anyone have any ideas as to how I do this without the stupid ends or long stranding in the back of the work?

The sock that never will be....
Thanks to the mysterious knitting unravler whom I shall call from this day forward FAEDRA.

Yes. Here is the smallest black and white striped anarchy sweater you will EVER encounter. I made this on a whim out of sock yarn for one of the asian dolls I have.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"

I know it has been a while since I posted anything worth looking at :) But things have been in busy summer mode lately. Ever since Livia finished school, I seem to be occupied almost all my waking hours coming and going here or there. Here are the few socks I am working on at the moment

These socks will be anklets once finished. I LOVE these socks. The stitch definition and patterning is really cool to look at. I made up the pattern myself using my favored sock knitting methods combined. The yarn is one of the Bernat Sox colorways...can't remember what it is called exactly


Must Get Ravelry!!

I am on the list but the wait is killing me. I am dying to get my invite and disappear into the Ravelry world. If you don't know what it is go take a sneak peek here: http://www.ravelry.com/tour/peek

I took a leap and joined Six Sox knitalong on Yahoo groups. The goal is to make 6 different pairs of socks at the same time as many others, knit, discuss, curse the pattern etc. The current pattern is Victorian Lace Socks. They are really pretty as well as annoying as hell.

I cast on 6 times. SIX TIMES! It took me that many times to figure out what the hell I was doing. Now that I have it all figured out I managed to get almost halfway through a sock, got very mad because I screwed up the pattern so it was all crooked, frogged the entire thing and had a drink. Then I watched mucho Buffy the Vampire Slayer (s 2) on DVD and cast on a different sock in a different yarn in a different pattern.

I'm all better now. I am tempted to go buy another set of needles so I can cast on the cursed evil lace sock again. Probably not a good idea seeing as I allready have 1278674347 UFO's stashed in various nooks and cranny's. damn.