
Updates on many fronts

635 people are ahead of you in line.

Wow! I am getting so close to Ravelry I can taste it!

On another note. I attended my first stitch & bitch last night. We met up at Boston Pizza, Ate, stitched ans most definately bitched (just a tad). I had a great time and look forward to the next gathering (hopefully on a weekend).

Haven't had anything to blog about. Working on the same stuff. I cast on my second primary colored sock and and up to the heel back. The hello kitty sweater is what I need to concentrate on now as I want it ready for Sept 28, my daughters 3rd bday. I might do a matching set of leg warmers if I have time.

Hubby bought me a new laptop for a 10th anniversary gift. I am laptopping away! Also, the embroidery machine has been in the shop for 2 weeks getting repaired (finally). I just put annthegran's catalog Xpress on Malice (the laptop) and and trying to slowly organize my overly vast amount og embroidery designs (damn internet! Making me collect too many!)

Thats all for now!

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