
Lucy Neatby workshop and more...

So I was mixing up some gingerbread yesterday morning (the xmas baking has begun) when I recieved a phonecall from a fellow Edmonton Stitchers yahoo group member, Anita. She had paid for many workshops being held at River City Yarns and apparently did not feel she was far enough along in her knitting to be able to attend the workshop being held in 45 minutes. She asked me if I would like to be her pitch hitter and attend in her place.

Who me? Of course! So I throw the half mixed gingerbread into the fridge, throw socks on my daughter, wake the husband, run a brush through my hair and in about 10 minutes am on my way to RCY.

I was very delighted to have been able to go to the workshop. It was taught by Lucy Neatby who is a very cool british woman fron Nova Scotia. I learned all type of nifty finishing techniques I had not known previously. We touched on blocking, grafting (also known as kitchner stitch by some), mattress stitching, japanese short rows (awesome for smooth sleeve shaping!), button holes, 3 needle casting off, and a very fast cast off method called modified conventional bind off.

So needless to say, I learnt a ton, chatted with a bunch of felow yarn obsessed peoples, had a yummy lunch and had a great time.

I was also asked if I wanted to take someone elses place in todays workshop which is advanced sock techniques, but only if the weather was terrible because she would have to drive in from Devon. As much as I would love to take that one as well and even though I lay in bed last night wishing for snow and freezing rain....It didn't happen and I sit here blogging instead of getting ready to go. :( Oh well. I should just count my blessings I was able to attend yesterdays.


here are a few more wee bits i managed this past weekend

you can't really see in the puctures but I did machine stitching lines on the argyle, so it is true argyle, not just diamond patterns :)


Not alot of knitting or sewing has been done lately. I havd to finish making a polly pocket sized dollhouse for Livia's bday. Here she is in all her post bday party glory (and mess)

Did I mention my first ever experience with decorating a 3d bear bday cake? Here it is. Damn I look bad in this picture lol

She wanted a "fancy" teddy bear party. So I accomplished this with faux silver and crystal bought at the dollar store. No way was I going to let them use the real thing lol. We went to Build-a-Bear workshop, made bears, brought them home and had our party. Livia had a blast, claimed it was the best day of her life. I guess I did good :) She is pictured here with her new Princess Kitty build a bear.


NOTE: as I was writing this, I got a call from Anita, asking if I would go to the sock workshop in her place because her stitching is still too tight etc etc. I managed to convince her to go. I think she would learn alot and get a ton of help on her learn to knit quest.

DAMN! I should have been selfish and went lol Stoopid morals!

* oh ya. My embroidery machine should be repaired soon! I can't wait to get it back. Xmas gift making needs to begin soon~

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